Sunday, October 26, 2008

paramore- That;s what you get

don't you just love this song like i dooo? lmao

miley cyrus- 7 things

ummm, this songs not really new but whatever i love it :)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Playground lob by AIr from movie "the virgin sucides"



AGNYSS DAYN for i-D magazine

AGNYSS DAYN for i-D magazine

British fashion magazine i-D has devoted its entire May 2008 issue (with six different covers) to Agyness Deyn, calling her the “new face of Britain”.

With her elfin white blonde hair, endless legs and knife-like cheekbones, she’s the hottest new girl on the block.

Hailed as a modern-day Kate Moss, at 5ft 9in she’s two inches taller, nine years younger… and way cooler.

Demand for her is huge. Agyness is the multi-million-pound face - and body - of Mulberry and Burberry and a Vogue cover girl.

Even if she’s the biggest model of the moment right now, Agyness insists she leads a (more or less) regular life. Here’s what she said about her size and food preferences:

“I’m no size-zero. I still eat fish and chips. And pizza. It’s my favourite food and they do the best ones in New York. “People think models starve themselves but not me. I eat really normally.

I think it’s important to be healthy, and for that you are allowed a little bit of everything. If you eat too much you put on weight, if you have a happy medium you stay the same. Every thing in moderation, Especially pizza!

I work out, not avidly, I don’t work out every day. I do yoga, I’ve just started and I love it.” Indeed. Her perfect skin belies the fact that she loves to party - nightclubbing with celebrity chums Lily Allen and Kelly Osbourne.